Extension to Alert Level 2 Triggers Support for Wellington Businesses

Financial support will be available for businesses affected by the Government’s extension of the Alert Level 2 restrictions in Wellington.

In Alert Level 2 most businesses were able to operate, but large events involving more than 100 people had been cancelled, and social distancing measures meant some businesses had to operate at a lower capacity.

The extension of Level 2 triggered the Government’s Covid resurgence support payment, a payment to help support businesses, or organisations, that faced a reduction in revenue due to an Alert Level increase.

“In order to qualify for it, a business or organisation had to have experienced at least a 30 per cent drop in revenue, or a 30 per cent decline in capital-raising ability, over a seven-day period, due to the increased Covid alert level,” explained COVID-19 Response Minister, Chris Hipkins.

Eligible businesses could apply to receive the lesser of $1500 plus $400 per full-time equivalent employees, for a maximum of 50 full-time employees, or four times the actual revenue decline experienced by the applicant.

Applications for the payment opened for eligible businesses seven days after the alert level increase and remained open for one month after the return to Alert Level 1.