Say Oui to Escargot

The French are well-known for a lot of things, especially when it comes to cuisine. Red wine, baguettes, crêpes, and croissants have all become staples around the world, but is it time to say oui to escargot?

Escargot is a French delicacy, which simply means “snail” in the French language. Don’t be fooled, this is exactly what it is.

May 24th is International Escargot Day, so it is appropriate that it is celebrated. Whilst the average garden snail technically is a variety of escargot, there are plenty of other ways to source them. An example of this is canned escargots.

As long as they are prepared properly, this is a faster, easier, and depending on who’s eating, delicious meal option. Additional flavour can be found throughout various seasonings and garnishing.

Classically, the French prepare to bake escargot with butter and garlic, but they can also be stuffed back into the shells and baked, and it is even possible to buy reusable escargot shells. There are also specially crafted escargot trays to make seasoning them effortlessly simple.

If it is a more exotic flavouring you are after, then let your creativity run wild. Bacon and breadcrumbs, or spicy chorizo sausage can create a colourful combination. Fresh local herbs or chopped nuts can also make a fitting garnish as well. Add a baguette, serve on a bed of puff pastry, or think outside the box with a selection of vegetables or salads.