Meet | Keely Howe, Hot Milk Treats

Keely Howe is the owner and maker of Hot Milk Treats Chocolate Goodies, specialising in custom chocolate products in all shapes and sizes.

Howe is a mum of seven children, and has been a stay-at-home mum for the past ten years. She recently moved to Waverly, South Taranaki, two years ago, and when she’s not at work, Howe loves to make her chocolate creations.

“I started Hot Milk Treats Chocolate Goodies a year ago when I saw some chocolate on a spoon treats on Pinterest and made some for my kids to try it out. Then I came up with some novelty treats and purchased moulds for those. There have been a lot more products and ideas since then,” said Howe.

Most of her chocolate creations are for custom orders, with some being more generic, and other’s being more risqué. Howe has a collection of moulds to make chocolate bombs, chocolate-covered items like pretzels and marshmallows, and several adult novelty products. She added that she is always looking for new designs and moulds to add to her collection.

“I can’t say I have a favourite product as I love all the products I make; I enjoy coming up with new designs and new products. It is a family affair with my kids and husband taste-testing new flavours/products and coming up with some funny names.”

Since the company started, Howe’s highlight has been seeing the look of enjoyment that her products can bring to people. She said meeting fellow small business owners has been beneficial, as well as going to the Waverly Craft and Farmers Market.

In the future,  Howe hopes that Hot Milk Treats will continue to grow and expand its collection. Howe herself is also excited to broaden her own creativity, as making products is one of her biggest passions.