Trends | Fondue

Fondue has been a cliche of winter traditions, but its popularity has never dipped. Many are unaware that the Swiss dish can actually be served in four different ways.

Cheese fondue is an excellent savoury dish, where cubed artisan breads, ham, and vegetables are dipped into melted cheese to create the perfect combination.

An oil fondue is an excellent way for guests to experience meats such as beef, pork, and chicken. Any boneless meat will work in an oil fondue, providing it holds its shape. An oil fondue is essentially a cross between deep frying and oil poaching. An oil fondue is also known as a broth fondue.

However, the most popular choice by far is the chocolate fondue. Especially as a dessert, chocolate fondue is popular due to the wide range of foods to dip into the melted chocolate. Be it strawberries, marshmallows, shortbread, or various assortments of dried fruit, you can never go wrong with a chocolate fondue.

Although a rare sighting on the menu, it is a frequent item in Switzerland. From large sharing sizes to smaller individual portions, fondues are an excellent way to provide an international touch, as well as the perfect dish to serve during the colder months.