The Ongoing Debate of Hot Cross Buns

Hot cross buns are the most popular baked treat in the lead-up to easter, with the popularity continuing to rise every year. But the debate between original and new variations is an ongoing saga.

Baking expert, Rebecca Thompson has witnessed the trends of this year's batch, noting that sales have been steady, and are more in demand than last year.

“Well they certainly haven’t declined,” said Thompson.

She confessed that the bakery she works for would have sold in the tens of thousands of hot cross buns this year.

Thompson said that this year has been a lot less covid-orientated, and has allowed more easter celebrations than the past couple of years.

“Businesses are buying in bulk for employees, and family get-togethers are more common this year, so everybody is getting into the Easter spirit,” expressed Thompson.

But despite sales in general, she said that traditional hot cross buns are still favoured over the chocolate variety, but not by a huge amount.

Thompson said that for every six trays of hot cross buns, she would bake four trays of chocolate variations, and that there is still demand for smaller known flavours such as apple and cinnamon.

The Thursday before Good Friday 2022 was one of the busiest days of the year for Thompson, admitting that she would have easily baked over 10,000 hot cross buns that day alone.

“I remember the day to have been very long, but very productive,” said Thompson.

“People like to try something new, but we all typically like to stick with what we know. In this case, it's a traditional bun with sultanas and raisins.”