PITCHme 2022: Video Entry Helpful Hints

The following questions must be answered in your two-minute video entry for PITCHme 2022.

  1. What is your brand story?
  2. Distribution channel?
  3. How much does your product cost?
  4. Do you have the ability to scale up?
  5. Private label?
  6. How are you addressing sustainability issues with your brand?

Helpful guided talking points:

  1. What is your brand story?
  • The story is everything in food and you've got to have a compelling one. Did you quit your job and start selling dumplings? Do you have a family food business? Or maybe you're a recent graduate whose dream is to own your own business. Whatever your story, make it sell your brand.
  • What makes you different from your competitors? If there are already alternatives in the market, what makes yours, different? Many products get differentiated by their claims: sugar-free, gluten-free, vegan friendly and so on.
  • Paddock to plate solutions resonate with chefs, if your product fits this, then make sure you cover this information in your answers. How do you see your product used in the kitchen? Tell us your product use ideas.
  1. Distribution channel?
  • Buyers ask this to learn how they'll get your product. If it's not easy to order, they won't. However, if you don't have a distributor, it's not a complete deal-breaker, for the right product, our panellists may assist with national distribution. State all your delivery options (direct, distributor, private delivery service, co-op, etc.). The buyer will likely show interest in one and will want to compare prices; direct vs. distributor. If you have a minimum order amount, please mention this.
  1. How much does your product cost?
  • Price determines a lot of things - if the buyer will buy and if their customers will buy from them, you will need to know your pricing. The cost per serving should also be listed.
  • List if there is any flexibility on price for bulk/large orders. Be confident in your pricing and advise unit cost through different distributors and direct.
  • If your product is price sensitive and you would prefer to wait and see if you are in Stage Two before giving pricing information, then please give a general indicator instead.

NB: You will be required to submit additional pricing information if you make it to Stage Two.

  1. Do you have the ability to scale up?
  • Can you scale up for larger orders or fulfil chain requirements?
  1. Private label?
  • Are you able to supply private labels?
  1. How are you addressing sustainability issues with your brand?
  • Sustainability issues are at the forefront of buyers as consumer purchase behaviour favours products and/or brands that have a positive sustainability focus. Tell us what you're doing in the sustainability realm.

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