Neighbours oppose food truck consent

Wanaka residents have appealed the decision to give resource consent to a new food truck garden, claiming the council did not provide them with enough information before granting consent.

The proposed food truck garden was to be located on Brownston St and run by the Teat Family Trust. Consent was granted in December last year by commissioners Tony Hill and Bob Nixon. There were strict noise conditions and a restriction of only ten food trucks at any time.

However, a group of neighbours have since filed a joint appeal, opposing the entire project rather than any one aspect of the consent. The group argued that the commissioners hadn’t given them enough information to consider the impact of the food truck garden and had overlooked the potential impact on the neighbours in granting the consent. The appeal highlighted fence height, odours and noise as the major issues.

“The proposal will result in adverse effects on the neighbours that cannot be avoided, remedied or sufficiently mitigated,” they wrote.