Government Supporting Kids’ Learning Success

Improved student achievement is a step closer with the launch of Hei Raukura mō te Mokopuna (Te Reo Matatini me te Pāngarau) and The Literacy, Communication and Maths Strategy action plans.

“We are making some much-needed changes to the way we support the teaching and learning of literacy and maths. They include the introduction of a standard teaching model (common practise model) which will mean that teaching in these areas is consistent. We’ll also ensure that our teachers are well supported to deliver teaching and learning that fits their learners’ needs,” Associate Education Minister Jan Tinetti said.

“This includes specific attention to the needs of learners that aren’t currently being given a fair go. Taking an inclusive approach that recognises and values disabilities and the cultural, linguistic and neuro diversity of our learners will mean teachers can give all our kids the education they deserve.

“The Action Plans are informed by engagement undertaken in 2021 and lay out the steps we are taking to create a system where every child and young person has every opportunity to succeed, to get the best start in life. We want all our young people to be safe, supported, and succeeding from early learning right until they leave school. As well as giving more support for teachers, we will be reviewing and updating the additional supports we provide to make sure all learners have what they need.”

Associate Education Minister Kelvin Davis added that the draft Hei Raukura mō te Mokopuna Action Plan focuses on addressing the parts of New Zealand’s education system that needs strengthening.

“The key focus areas are centred around mokopuna, kaiako, whānau, hapū and iwi and how we can better support them to maximise mokopuna success,” he said.

“Realising the intent of Hei Raukura Mō te Mokopuna involves the reclamation of the true intent of te reo matatini and pāngarau and effective teaching and learning. We are releasing this as a draft as we want to refine this draft through consultation and wānanga.”

The action plan requires Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga to provide a coherent system of support for kaiako, kura, and ākonga across kaupapa Māori and Māori medium education.”

“We know the education system doesn’t always make it easy for Pacific learners to succeed. It’s important we get to a place where all our students’ identities, cultures, and languages are acknowledged and valued,” Associate Education Minister Aupito William Sio said.

“The Literacy & Communication and Maths Action Plans promote better outcomes for all Pacific learners, and are designed to support their engagement, progress, and achievement at all stages of the education pathway – from early learning through to the end of secondary school, and ultimately beyond. We know relationships and belonging matter, so the Action Plans will support teachers to build stronger connections between home and learning settings, shaping a system that consistently

Links to Action Plans:

Literacy Communication and Maths

Hei Raukura Mō te Mokopuna