Businesses in Wellington Lose Customers with Level 2 Restrictions

Wellington has been in alert level 2 since last week after a man from Sydney travelled throughout the capital whilst carrying the Delta variant of the COVID-19 virus.

For Wellington's restaurants, cafes, and bars, the level 2 restrictions means stepping back into table service, no more than 100 customers, and social distancing practices.

Wellington businesses said they feel crippled by the restrictions, but are grateful for the resurgence support payment.

Mark Davey, general manager of Waitoa beer, noted it was much quieter over the weekend. He commented that table service slows everything down and can even lose money over an evening.

Davey said he would almost prefer the clear-cut level 3 to the awkward level 2.

Shops along Lampton Quay and Cuba St also reported a quiet weekend, with both the rain and level restrictions keeping people at bay.

Mike Egan from Monsoon Poon said the restrictions are manageable, that they can work within social distancing 100 people.

Egan suspects Monsoon Poon will not meet the threshold to get the resurgence support payment from the government.

However, those who can prove they experienced a 30 percent decrease in revenue, or 30 percent decline in capital raising ability, over a second-day period due to alert level increase, will be eligible for some form of financial support.