Trending: Kale Chips

Kale as a vegetable has had a turbulent past with diners, but crispy kale chips is the way to go if it’s something out of the ordinary you’d like to serve.

By simply seasoning kale leaves with salt, pepper, and olive oil, you will be sure to impress with this ingenious and effortless side dish. Although this isn’t a new invention, the idea has come back into trend in recent months.

After seeing global sales of kale to have been down during the height of the pandemic, it is now on the rise again. The sale of Kale chips in North America is projected to have a compound annual growth rate of 8.23 percent.

Kale chips can be paired nicely with an assortment of different toppings, such as cheese, chilli flakes, or even brown sugar and paprika for a sweet and smokey combination.