Dry July Trade Talks | ACS


Cocktail making is an art, but with the burgeoning number of alcohol-free consumers, bars like ACS are compelled to adapt swiftly to stay afloat.

Martyn Holloway, bar manager at ACS, has seen almost everything the industry has to offer. From dealing with late-night rushes to designing new drinks on demand, Holloway is well-versed in overcoming complications. 

With the rising trend of alcohol-free drinks, ACS has witnessed a new obstacle: creating beverages that share a similar flavour profile without the strong and familiar taste of alcohol. Due to the intense taste of gin, vodka and other straight liquors, mocktails can often need more depth. 

Martyn Holloway

At ACS, Holloway identified this challenge and devised a tasty alternative for sober consumers. 

“Our zero-alcohol cocktails are best generalised as a mixture of a fruit-forward syrup or puree, a citrusy cordial, and an unusual, dry soda,” said Holloway. 

“The complex aromas of herbs and spices complement these.”

They contain much less processed sugar than regular sodas and are often dry in flavour, requiring them to gain sweetness from ACS’s homemade cordials and extracts. 

The mocktails also don’t stint on aesthetics. These brightly coloured drinks are served in beautiful glassware and garnished with fresh fruit, allowing customers to join the crowd without feeling isolated by their lack of beverage.

When asked what his favourite non-alcoholic beverage was, he said the gimlet, a traditional juniper gin-based drink served with homemade lime cordial. To make this zero alcohol, he substituted the gin with a zero percent gin, making it a delicious drink with a similar flavour profile. 

“A non-alcoholic gimlet keeps even the most perverted, alcoholic bartender happy,” said Holloway. 

ACS has built a loyal customer base due to its vast majority of events and bespoke co

cktail service. It is a popular spot for corporate and personal events due to its upbeat vibe and plush game room with an American pool table and retro arcade machines. 

With every iteration of ACS’s menu, the bar increases the real estate taken up by low and no cocktails. Holloway confirmed that their alcohol-free offerings will soon increase, providing sober customers with a welcoming and accepting venue to socialise and dance.

Read more about Dry July here.