Saving the planet has never been so tasty. Brooke Moore, a Kiwi teen with a desire to assist in getting rid of plastics from our global economy, has come up with WRAPT, an edible food wrap alternative. WRAPT is 100 percent edible, allergy-friendly and biodegradable, and adds flavour and colour to wrapped food. WRAPT is made of agar agar, a setting agent derived from seaweed, but looks and feels like plastic wrap. Agar agar in itself promotes bone health, aids in weight loss and brain health and is suitable for a vegan diet.

Currently, Moore is looking for investors to help her produce WRAPT on a large scale. She is doing this through a givealittle page.

WRAPT has taken around five months of experimentation to get to where it is now; it comes in three flavours including green herb, unflavoured and raspberry.

To find out more, visit the WRAPT website.