Spotlight | Out of the Dark Mushrooms

Out of the Dark Mushrooms was inspired by founder Phil Matheson's discovery of oyster mushrooms being grown on coffee grounds while he travelled around the world. As a family endeavour with humble beginnings, Out of the Dark Mushrooms has ventured from its small first location in Hunua to one of the top suppliers of mushrooms to restaurants.

Always in demand, Out of the Dark Mushrooms has extended its range of products from just Oyster mushrooms to include Portobellos, textured and smokey Shiitake, and mild and sweet Enoki varieties. Since outgrowing its original facility in Hunua, Out of the Dark Mushrooms moved to a glasshouse concept in Otahuhu. There are also plans to implement a purpose-built mushroom farming facility.

Oyster mushrooms are not only sweet, but versatile in a range of various dishes as a subtle flavouring agent. Also known as designer mushrooms, the caps of Oyster mushrooms are often grey, blue, yellow, pink or white, with a tender and tasty stem and fruity aroma. Shiitake mushrooms are native to Asia which naturally grows in forests. The second most common edible mushroom variety, Shiitake mushrooms are full of flavour and taste. Enoki mushrooms are a long and thin variety, making a perfect ingredient for soups, salads, and a variety of other dishes as well.

Producing approximately one tonne of mushrooms per week, Out of the Dark Mushrooms supply almost 60 percent of its weekly produce to high-end restaurants in the area, such as Cocoro, Sid at the French Cafe, and Amano. My Food Bag has also used its produce in its services, as well as a recent launch into supermarkets.

“It’s not too many years since kiwis viewed mushrooms with a bit of suspicion,” said Matheson.

“But today, with global travel commonplace, people are experiencing – and enjoying – new tastes, textures and flavours abroad.  This is impacting on the food scene here. We’re more experimental and open to new foods as is evidenced on supermarket shelves.”

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