Meet The Barista | Sarah Mclennan, Frank Food

With a decade-long coffee connection, beginning at a bean roastery in Melbourne, Sarah Mclennan, Head Barista of Frank Food, loves the fast-paced work environment and the healthy pressure of giving people their fix.

"The social aspect and relationship building between customers, workmates, suppliers, etc. is what makes me tick," said Mclennan, who loves her relationships with her regulars and workmates and the free coffee she gets while on the job.

"We want everyone who comes in to feel like it's a welcoming and homely environment. On the daily, our customer base ranges from suits to activewear and everything in between. It is nice to share my passion for coffee with fellow caffeine addicts."

As the name suggests, Frank Food aims to be frank, honest and undisguised, catering to a broad range of dietary needs like veganism, dairy-free, gluten-free, and more. They also use fair trade beans and quality milk made with love.

Mclennan's go-to coffee order is a long black with pouring cream, and she enjoys sun-seeking, river wandering, or perched at home with a glass of vino when she is not working.