Research conducted by Wild Bean Café has revealed just how much Kiwis love coffee. The study revealed that more than 70 percent of us are drinking at least one cup of coffee per day, with 24 percent of us consuming three or more cups.

“Our Wild Bean Café baristas know New Zealanders love their coffee, serving 11 million Fairtrade certified cups of coffee a year nationwide,” said Debi Boffa, BP managing director. “This research shows the big part coffee plays in most Kiwis’ daily routine and how important it is for our Wild Bean Café baristas to be at the top of their game and meet our customers’ quality coffee expectations.”

Some interesting highlights from the survey included:

  • Men and women have differing habits. Around 30 percent of Kiwi men drink three or more cups of coffee, while only 19 percent of women do.
  • Generational differences shone through, as well. 34 percent of those aged between 55 and 73 drink three or more cups of coffee, while only 14 percent of those aged between 23 and 38 do.
  • Around 31 percent of New Zealanders order a flat white.