A group of restaurants in Invercargill who have been forced to move from a central city block are struggling, and are receiving little support from the company which forced the move.

HWCP Management plans to build a new complex for entertainment, retail and hospitality on a central city block. However, the restaurants they have forced out are crying foul, saying the costs of relocating are prohibitive.

"HWCP is asking us to leave, so it is their responsibility to give us a place to move to,” said Pinch of Spice owner Manish Singh. "If you want me to leave, find a location for me or pay out my lease and I’ll find my own place.”

Singh said that while he had found another location, it was earthquake prone and he would have to move out again soon anyway. It would cost Singh at least $150,000 to set up a restaurant in a new location, and the move has meant that he has stopped taking a salary and lost $30,000 in a business venture which was thwarted after the forced move.

"The food outlets are probably our biggest challenge because the cost of moving is so high, because of kitchen needs,” said HWCP director Scott O’Donnell. “Whereas a retailer, we can rip a rack off the wall and get them going next Thursday. "We are trying our best to be fair to all while still ensuring we can create a better future for Invercargill.”