Moana Launches New Foreshore Initiative

As the manager of New Zealand’s only commercial paua farm, Moana is no stranger to biodiversity practices.


“Our business is built on natural resources and people, and sustainability is the heart at what we do,” explained chief executive Carl Carrington.


The company has already been working on a 100 percent sustainable abalone farm, and traceable breeding programmes to promote positive environmental practice.


So, when scientist Lynette Suvalko proposed Moana taking on the care and restoration of the dunes in Northland’s Bream Bay, the plan was met with enthusiasm.


Both Moana and NIWA staff are now involved in monthly working bees to plant native species on the foreshore – with the aim of creating a hospitable environment for endangered species such as the Fairy Tern.


“Our team has been so supportive of any changes, because they see that it’s not just that we’re sustainable in how we farm - but how we operate, and how we care for our community and the environment,” Suvalko said.


Moana is also currently working towards its Aquaculture Stewardship Council certification – which, if achieved, would make it the fourth abalone farm in the world to practice entirely responsible aquaculture.


“Our values of whakatipuranga and kaitiakitanga – of being true to nature and future generations – are at the essence of our efforts in this area,” said Carrington.