Portland has long been acknowledged as the home of coffee hipsterism in the States, but the smaller town of Corvallis is now giving it a run for its money. Dan Bruner, long time coffee enthusiast and Corvallis native, decided to turn his lifelong passion for coffee into a career. However his idea of a creative coffee shop was stifled with the opening of a similar shop in his hometown. Instead, Bruner turned his focus to cold brews and concentrates. Following a fortuitous encounter with a former coffee-roaster-builder, Bruner started researching expired coffee-roaster patents and eventually built what is now the primary brewing device for Grouphead’s bottled coffee concentrate. The bottled concentrate can be used as a base for cold coffee drinks or cocktails as well as hot coffee drinks. While Bruner is protective of his contraption, it uses higher temperatures and pressures than standard cold brew techniques as well as a process involving stacked stainless steel tubes.