The Ketogenic Diet came into the spotlight in 2018 (most Googled diet in 2018) and predictions are that its popularity will continue in 2019. This high fat, low-carb way of eating means that your body is forced into ‘ketosis’, burning fat instead of carbs for energy.

Normally, this means that bread is off the list of food choices. However, the innovative team at Bakeworks have come to the rescue with their newest creation – the HOME ST KETO loaf.

With only 0.7g of carbs per serve (2 slices) now Keto customers can have their bread and eat it too. The response has been extraordinary, indicating that Keto has truly gone mainstream and isn’t showing signs of slowing. The future of bread is here – no added fat, no added sugar, just a nutritious blend of keto friendly ingredients. Email for more information.